Silent Sellers sell their services differently because they understand the expression’s true meaning: people like to buy but hate being sold to.
On the surface, they aren’t doing anything that looks like selling as we know it, leaving competitors puzzled by their ability to attract amazing customers who buy from them at a premium price.
It happens the second it’s learned by customers’ self-learning computers. You never see a Silent Seller use any sales techniques as we know them because of the self-learning part of the brain we all have. This part of the brain, designed to protect us from bad situations, constantly updates itself. The second it has learned a sales technique, it stops working, even if” scientifically proven to work.”
After the first deal is done, but never before. You never see a Silent Seller waste time on ”relationship marketing,” hoping it will lead to a business transaction later. If a relationship with people would make selling easier, most of us wouldn’t have any issues selling to those with genuine relationships, such as parents, children, spouses, husbands, wives, etc. The difference between a business relationship and other relationships is huge because potential customers don’t know if they want a business relationship with the service provider until they have bought their services once.
Because The Bigger A Company Gets, The Stupider The Company Becomes. You never see a Silent Seller trying to make the company look bigger than it is because they know what their customers want and what they don’t like. They don’t want to meet a ”star salesperson” and then never meet that person again but deal with others doing the work. They want access to the main force to get what they see, and they don’t like competing with other customers for the company’s attention.
Those Who Don’t Mind Going Deep And Love When Others Succeed. Silent Sellers are free from jealousy and love when others succeed. They are not scared to look deep into themselves, and they can laugh at some bizarre decisions they have made. They have learned how to sell their services using techniques that pass unnoticed by the human mind. However, they would never use them to make someone do anything they don’t want to do.